If you have been yearning to type things like "Klövsjö, Jämtland, Sweden,"
here is the secret to those little gizmos (umlauts) on top of the letters.

Don't ask me how to pronounce them, though.
You'll have to visit Nordland Township for lessons!

For each letter, hold down the "alt" key while typing the given numbers.
When you let go of the "alt" key, the proper letter will be added to your page.

Å = 143
å = 134
Ä = 142
ä = 132
ë = 137
Ö = 153
ö = 148
Ü = 154
ü = 129

Håvë Fün, Y'åll!

In case you're interested, here are a whole bunch
of umlauts for various languages and purposes:

015 ¤ 020 ¶ 021 § 128 Ç 129 ü 130 é
131 â 132 ä 133 à 134 å 135 ç 136 ê
137 ë 138 è 139 ï 140 î 141 ì 142 Ä
143 Å 144 É 145 æ 146 Æ 147 ô 148 ö
149 ò 150 û 151 ù 152 ÿ 153 Ö 154 Ü
155 ¢ 156 £ 157 ¥ 158 P 159 ƒ 160 á
161 í 162 ó 163 ú 164 ñ 165 Ñ 166 ª
167 º 168 ¿ 170 ¬ 171 ½ 172 ¼ 173 ¡
174 « 175 » 225 ß 230 µ 241 ± 246 ÷
248 ° 249 • 250 · 252 n 253 ² ~


My aunt was an excellent artist and taught in the Northfield public schools for many years.
She gave my mother a large wooden plate she had embellished with a
lovely center design and words around the perimeter.
I asked Randy Wall for help in remembering what the words might be.
He answered:

smörgesbord ehr nu duckett (Food is now ready)
Var Så God (Help yourself)

I have asked my sister to photograph the plate and, if she can, I will publish it here.