Ida Lueck's Journal
The Best Gift
Attending Teachers College
University Farm St. Paul Minnesota
by Ida Clara Alvina Lueck
Sunday, June 17, 1917
A.M. ~ Arrived at Sanford Hall in St. Paul, Minnesota to earn a teaching certificate to
become a teacher. Unpacked my clothes and fixed up my room. My roommate has not arrived and I
feel kind of lonesome.
P.M. ~ My roommate has arrived. She is a wealthy girl and does not like Sanford Hall. A girl
from Duluth and another girl took us out to supper. I wrote three letters and am going to bed now.
Monday June 18, 1917 ~ I learned that I will have to change to the other
campus because the classes I want to take are there. I came to the University Farm and met
Margaret Mositz, an old time schoolmate of mine and took a room with her at a private place.
Went to Minneapolis with Margaret and saw Rev. Helwig and Mr. Hackett with the Boy
Scouts from Aitkin. They were in a parade. On my way back to the University Farm I stopped at
Sanford Hall and got my suitcase. Also met Miss Sill at Sanford.
Tues. June 19 ~ Went to Classes in the morning. In the p.m. I went to the other
campus and received promise for return of my registration money of $2.
Wed. June 20 ~ In the afternoon I went to Minneapolis and bought a clock for
our room and a belt for my dress. I am writing letters now and will soon go to bed
Thurs. June 21 ~ Went to classes in the forenoon. In chapel hour I saw a
cartoonist draw pictures. Read in the library awhile in the P.M. and then went home. Studied my
lessons. Will go to bed now.
Fri. June 22 ~ We had beautiful music in chapel today. Violin and Cello and it
was the most sweetest music I have ever heard. I canceled my "Language Methods" Class. Will go
to supper soon. I went to a reception given by the M.E. Church of Midway for the Summer School
students and had a very pleasant time.
Sat. June 23 ~ Went to classes in the morning saw an aeroplane in the P.M. In the
evening Margaret
and I went to an entertainment at our main building which is called the Administration Building.
The entertainment consisted of a moving picture play and a demonstration of physical exercises by
Danish boys and girls under their instructor
Sunday June 24 ~ Went to singing service at Adm. Building in the morning and
in the P.M. Margaret and I went to St. Paul to see my sister, Rose Lueck. We did not get a chance
to speak to her as she was on duty at the hospital all afternoon. After spending a few hours in the
park we went home and to bed.
Mon. June 25 ~ Went to classes, read at he library and have just come home.
Shall write some letters now.
Tues. June 26 ~ Nothing new occurred today.
Wed. June 27 ~ Went to Aitkin County meeting after dinner and went to
Minneapolis later. Had supper in Minneapolis with Margaret.
Thurs. June 28 ~ Went to chorus practice after dinner. Went home later and
washed out a few clothes. Will write a few letters and then study.
Fri. June 29 ~ I had a headache this afternoon and slept awhile. Received a
letter from my sister, Sophia Lueck at home in Aitkin and it has made me feel a little homesick.
Would like to be at home.
Sat. June 30 ~ Mr. Young, the County Superintendent from St. Louis County
(Minn) spoke to us at chapel on Friday and today we heard the chaplain from Fort Snelling. He
gave a very good speech. I did some ironing in the P.M.
Sunday July 1 ~ Was at home in the forenoon. Pressed my dress to wear in the
afternoon. Went to St. Paul to see my sister Rose in the P.M. I had a splendid visit with her.
Returned home about 10 o'clock. Got on the wrong car and had a little trouble getting back to my
Mon. July 2 ~ Nothing new today. Same work routine.
Tues. July 3 ~ The Aitkin County student teachers will have a picnic tomorrow
at Minnehaha Falls. We went to a moving picture play. Saw pictures of U.S. Army in France with
General Pershing.
Wed. July 4, 1917 ~ Margaret and I went to the girl's dormitory to see Ella
Tool. Stayed there awhile and then went home. I did not have any dinner, as the caf people did
not serve dinner. In the afternoon we went to Minnehaha Falls and had out picnic. I saw the Falls
for the first time and was very much impressed. Saw the statue of Hiawatha and Minnehaha. There
were eight of us; seven girls and one man. Had a fine time. Got home as it began to rain.
Thurs. July 5, 1917 ~ Same routine. Mr. Howard spoke to us at chapel about
Boys and Girls Club work.
Fri. July 6 ~ Nothing new occurred. Went down to Adm. Building and bought a
notebook and a box of stationary.
Sat. July 7 ~ I went to classes as usual. Nothing new occurred until evening
when we went to a moving picture show at the Administration building.
Sunday, July 8 ~ Was at home all day and read a storybook. I will study a while
and then go to bed, I guess.
Mon. July 9 ~ Received a letter from my sister Sophia today with a check.
Spent chapel hour practicing songs to sing at Editor's Association. Rose and Montello B. came to
see me. We all went to welcome the editors. An old man at the pavilion fainted and had to be taken
out. A horse got excited and frightened the people. In the evening we went to Como Park and heard
the band play. Returned home and went to bed.
Tues. July 10 ~ Got my check cashed at chapel today. We heard the Governor of
Arkansas speak. Heard two vocal solo selections by a man from Pine River. It rained all
afternoon. Have just written a letter to sister Sophia. Will study awhile now.
Wed. July 11 ~ Bought two books today.
Thurs. July 12 ~ Received a letter from my brother Art Lueck. Wrote a letter to
Art and a card to my brother Will.
Fri. July 13 ~ Received a letter from Florence Taylor, teacher at the Olds
Sat. July 14 ~ Went to classes in the morning. Was at home all P.M. In the
evening Margaret and I went to a play, which was given at the Administration Building on the
Campus. The play was "As the Twig is Bent." It was excellent.
Sun. July 15 ~ I went to St. Anthony Park Church this morning. I was at home
the rest of the day.
Mon. July 16 ~ Nothing unusual happened today. It was a kind of lonesome day.
Tuesday July 17 ~ Today at noon we all went to the other campus and heard the
new president of the University speak. Went to chorus practice and wrote a letter.
Wed, July 18 ~ I bought some books today. In the afternoon I went to a big fire
on the campus. A big barn burned down. Three fire departments came but they came too late and
could not save the barn. It was a terrible spectacle. In the evening I went to see the play
"Partners." It was very good. Today was the beginning of the Rural Life Conference. Mr.
Butterfield of Massachusetts spoke to us at chapel.
Fri. July 20 ~ The Rural Life Conference continued today. We had classes after
chapel. In the afternoon we, the ladies chorus, sang three songs.
Sat. July 21 ~ Was at home all afternoon. Went to a play in the evening at the
Adm. Building. The play was called, "Back to the Farm." It was very good.
Sun. July 22 ~ Went to church in St Paul in the morning. After dinner we went to
the State Hospital. Had a good time with my sister Rose.
Mon. July 23 ~ Nothing new today. Expected Rose this afternoon but she did not
Tues. July 24 ~ Rose spent the afternoon with me. We had a fine time together.
Margaret's friend was here awhile, too.
Wed July 25 ~ I went on an excursion today to the State prison at Stillwater. It
was a very interesting trip, though sad to think that such things must be. Many of the men turned
their faces away from the visitors. The prison is said to be the best in the United States. It is kept
very clean and prisoners do good work at making binder twine and machinery. They also have
entertainment. They have a moving picture machine and an orchestra composed entirely of
Thurs. July 26 ~ This is the last class day of summer school. Our physiology
class had it's picture taken today. Shall begin now to pack up for my trip home.
My First Year Of Teaching
at the Harrington School
LeMay Township
Swatara, Minnesota

Harrington School,

Olive and Elsie
September 1, 1917 ~ Came to Swatara Minnesota from our farm about nine
miles west of Aitkin to teach school at the one room Harrington School. The school is 'six miles'
west of the town of Swatara in LeMay Township. Mr. John Gulden came to meet me at Swatara
and took me to my boarding place at the Gulden's home on the east side of McKinney Lake in
LeMay Township. In the evening we went out on McKinney Lake, which is close to the house and
had a boat ride.
Sept. 2 Sunday ~ This morning I saw a deer across the lake. Later the folks went
out auto riding and left their two girls with me. We went out for a walk in the woods. In the
evening the folks and I went for a boat ride and I caught a fish.
Sept. 3 Monday ~ This morning I came to school and I have only one pupil
today, Charley Gulden.
Tuesday, Sept. 4 ~ I had two pupils today. Elsie Harrington's sister Olive
brought her to school and said she would come to school later.
Wednesday, Sept. 5 ~ Charley Gulden could not go to school today because he
had a toothache. I felt rather depressed today and it grew when I found that no one from home had
written to me yet.
Thurs. Sept. 6 ~ A little squirrel came into the schoolhouse today while the
children were outside. He did not mind me and tried to climb upon my chair. He tried to get into
Elsie's dinner pail. At noon I sat on the porch, reading and the little squirrel ate crumbs on the
porch beside me. I watched him for a long time as he frisked about near me. When we got home
Donald Franks, a neighbor, was there and he took Charley Gulden and me out on McKinney Lake.
We had a pleasant time and after supper we went for another ride. Donald is a very entertaining
boy and I enjoyed his company very much. We then played dominos and I finally went to bed.
Friday, Sept. 7 ~ It is almost time for school to be dismissed and I feel tired and
lonesome. Mrs. Cora Harrington and her daughter Olive brought Elsie to school this morning by
team and wagon and stopped at the schoolhouse for a while.
Sat. Sept. 8 ~ It rained all day today and was very unpleasant.
Sunday Sept. 9 ~ Charley and I went to the other schoolhouse, the Olds School
on White Elk Road and got some books, which I want to use at my school. In the afternoon Mrs.
Bailey, her two boys and Dorothy Kennedy came over to visit. George Bailey, Dorothy and I went
out on McKinney Lake for a little boat ride.
Mon. Sept. 10 ~ This is Monday afternoon and I am kind of weary and tired of
about everything. Charley is slow with his lessons today.
Tues. Sept. 11 ~ A little squirrel came into the schoolhouse today and ate
crumbs, which the children had dropped. At recess I sat on the porch and he frisked round about
me and ate crumbs. He was not afraid while I sat very quietly.
Wednesday, Sept 12 ~ It has been raining all day. Mr. Gulden took us to school
with the wagon this morning. Received a letter from Rose and the pictures also, the other pictures
from Aitkin and my teaching certificate.
Thurs. Sept. 13, 1917 ~ It rained most of the day. At noon today I watched a
gopher who ate crumbs near me.
Fri. Sept 14 ~ Mr. Gulden took us to school this morning. I will get some
pictures ready to send tonight. Mr. Gulden met us at the west side of McKinney Lake tonight and
took us across in the boat. We tried a little fishing. We had a nice big fish ready to put in the boat
when he got away.
Sat. Sept. 15 ~ Went to town today. Visited a while with Miriam Holden and
Minnie Marsh. Received a letter from Mamma.
Sun. Sept. 16 ~ Went out boat riding in the afternoon and out for a walk later.
Met Mr. Hutchison on the walk.
Monday, Sept. 17 ~ The day passed rather quietly. Nothing unusual happened.
Tues. Sept. 1 ~ Mrs. Gulden took us across McKinney Lake with the boat this
morning and we walked another mile along the old tote road to school. On our way home from
school we were overtaken by a Raleigh's agent who showed us his goods but I did not agree to
buy anything. We were met at the west shore of McKinney Lake by Mrs. Gulden who took us over
the lake in the boat. A little later the agent came to the house and stayed there for the night.
Wed. Sept. 19, 1917 ~ Mrs. Gulden took us over the lake this morning with the
boat. It is raining this afternoon but may stop soon although it is not clearing up. It rained a little
while as we went home but we did not get very wet.
Thurs. Sept 20 ~ Had only one pupil at school today. Charley did not go. The
day passed rather quietly and it was kind of lonesome.
Fri. Sept 21 ~ Nothing interesting happened today. We caught a fish this p.m.
Sat. Sept. 22 ~ I ironed my clothes today and in the afternoon I went to the other
schoolhouse on White Elk Road and got some supplies to use at school. Received some letters and
Sun. Sept. 23 ~ We had company today. About 23 people were here for an auto
ride to Swatara when more company came and we had to go back home. We all went out for a
little walk after the company was gone.
Monday Sept. 24 ~ Mrs. Gulden took us over the lake with the boat this
morning. It is very windy so I guess we can't go over the lake tonight.
Thurs. Sept 27 ~ I learned to row the boat this evening. Charley and I went out
on the lake and caught a fish.
Fri. Sept. 28 ~ Charley and I went out fishing and caught a 7 lb. Fish.
Sat. Sept. 29 ~ Went to town today. Had my school order sent to the director to
have it signed. Went out boat riding and caught a fish.
Sunday Sept. 30 ~ Went out for a walk this afternoon. In the evening we all
went to Swatara and attended an Epworth League meeting which is held the last Sunday in every
month at the Methodist Church. Mrs. Franks came home with us.
Monday Oct. 1, 1917 ~ Mr. Franks and Don came over and helped dig potatoes
and butcher a calf. Don stayed until the next day.
Tues. Oct 2 ~ Don and Georgie came back from town and again stayed over
night. Received a letter from my brother Daniel Lueck.
Wed. Oct. 3 ~ Mrs. Franks and the boys went home. Carlton Bailey came to
help Mr. Gulden dig potatoes. This morning. Don took me over McKinney Lake with the boat.
There was a heavy fog and when we got to the middle of the lake we could see no trees or shore.
We could just see a few yards ahead of us and it was very pretty. I got pretty wet though coming
through the woods on the old tote road.
Sat. Oct. 6 ~ Went to town today and received my first months salary. Paid my
board, which was only $12 while I had expected it to be $15. I received a letter from home today
and the folks sent me my brother Will' Lueck's letter, which tells of his safe arrival in England
with the Coast Artillery. His trip was pleasant and he is at present "Somewhere in England"
expecting soon to be in France. Received a letter from my sister, Rose Lueck.
Monday Oct. 8 ~ We went to a moving picture show in Swatara this evening. It
was a picture of the war made a year ago in Germany. It snowed about 3 or 4 inches last night.
Sat. Oct 13 ~ Walked the four miles into town and sent away some letters and
an order to Sears Roebuck.
Sun. Oct. 14 ~ Went to Sunday school at Swatara and taught the Primary and
Intermediate classes combined. Had a pleasant time. There were six pupils in my class; three in
Primary and three in intermediate.
Monday Oct. 15 ~ I have another scholar now. Olive Harrington , age 15, came
to school this morning. Clyde Olds stopped at the schoolhouse this morning and gave me a letter
from Florence Taylor who teaches at the Old's School just south of the Harrington School on
White Elk Road.
Mrs. Gulden was called away to take care of a sick lady early this morning and we are
left to get along as well as we can.
Tuesday Oct 16 ~ Charley Gulden and I rowed the boat over the lake this
morning. This evening we tried some fishing on our way home as we crossed the lake but did not
get anything. I received a letter from Brother Bill Lueck today from France and a letter from
Cecelia Snyder who said that her father has passed away.
Thurs. Oct 18 ~ It has been snowing all day and there is quite a lot of snow on
the ground. We had a ride to school this morning but I do not know if we will have a ride back
Fri. Oct 19 ~ Charley did not go to school today. It was pretty wet today
Sat. Oct 20 ~ Went to town today. Received my package from Sears Roebuck,
which contained my new camera.
Sun. Oct 21 ~ Took a picture of Charley today. Started to town to go to Sunday
School with the folks but we got about halfway and had to go back because it began to storm so
Mon. Oct 22 ~ It snowed all P.M. yesterday and all day today and the snow is
pretty deep, but the ground is not frozen much. Mr. Gulden came with the wagon and took us home
from school.
Wed. Oct 24 ~ I helped the children build a snowman today. They thought it
quite a lark to have their teacher out playing with them. Last night we saw a streak of light up in the
air, which looked like the light of an aeroplane. Received a number of letters today. Mr. and Mrs.
Gulden went to town today. On the way they saw some bear tracks in the snow.
Thurs, Oct 25 ~ Today is my sister Rose Lueck's birthday. I sent her a card
Sat. Oct 27 ~ I went to town with Mr. Gulden today and bought a pair of
overshoes. Received a letter from my sister Laura Lueck.
Sunday Oct 28 ~ Wrote a letter to Laura today. In the P.M. I walked to town
(four miles) and attended Sunday school. Taught the Primary Class.
Monday Oct 29 ~ Mr. George Harrington was at the schoolhouse today and
asked me to teach Olive bookkeeping. He is cutting wood for the school and hauling it in and
stacking it for the winter months. I told him I would do my best at helping the girl although I have
not studied the subject much.
Tuesday Oct 30 ~ Mr. Harrington was at the schoolhouse all day, cutting wood
for the school. He came into the schoolhouse several times and talked until I got quite tired of him.
Tonight is Halloween and Charley wanted me to help him make a Jack-o-lantern, which I did. He
then gave, what he thought was a fine entertainment.
Thurs. Nov. 1 ~ Charley did not want to go to school this morning and when we
finally got on the road he cried and worked up quite a temper. He had got over it by the time we
got to school. This noon he got angry though and wanted to go home and I had a little trouble in
getting him to be good. I played with the children at noon and we had quite a time. We played war;
throwing snowballs from behind snow forts.
Fri. Nov. 2,1917 ~ Mrs. Harrington stopped at the schoolhouse on the way
home this p.m.
Sat. Nov. 3 ~ Went to town this P.M. Talked with Miriam Holden a while.
Received the parcel post package I had sent for which contained seatwork for Charley.
Sun. Nov 4 ~ Took a picture of McKinney Lake this morning, which also has the
picture of a muskrat on it; though the animal was a long distance from the camera.
Sat Nov 10 ~ I took a picture of Mrs. Gulden today in the boat on McKinney
Lake. Went to town this afternoon and had my check cashed.
Sun Nov 11 ~ I did not go to Sunday school today because the roads are so
muddy. In the afternoon Mrs. Gulden, Charley and I walked to Mrs. Goldsberry's and made a short
Fri. Nov. 17 ~ I took a picture of Gulden's big red bull, Peter, and Mr. Gulden
took a picture of me with the chickens. I walked to town and sent away my film to be developed
and printed. I caught a ride home with Mrs. Harrington in her wagon.
Sat. Nov. 18 ~ Today is the wedding day of Mary Packard in Louisiana, but of
course I could not be there even though I was invited. We drove to town and went to Sunday
school and heard Rev. Sutton preach. He preached a very good sermon.
Fri. Nov. 23 ~ Olive Harrington did not come to school this week because her
mother is sick and today I had only one pupil.
Sat. Nov. 24 ~ I walked to town this P.M. and received my Kodak pictures
which I had sent away to be developed and printed. They were very good. On my way to town, I
stopped awhile and visited with the teacher and children of the W.W. Sunday school Class, who
were having a picnic.
Sunday Nov. 25 ~ I went to Sunday school today. Received some new books for
my class.
Monday Nov. 26 ~ When we got home from school this evening, Charley
wished me to go out on McKinney Lake and skate with him. We had quite a pleasant time on the
ice and came in just as it was getting dark.
Tues. Nov. 27 ~ Today is the last day of school this week until after
Thanksgiving. I expect to go home tomorrow and I am very anxious for the time to come.
Wed. Nov. 28 ~ I missed my train in Swatara when I was going home and
stayed at the hotel until Lizzy Roderick told me I could go to Bain, the next stop on the SOO line
Railroad, with the man who works on the railroad section gang. He took me down the tracks to
Bain on the "Speeder." While I was at the hotel in Bain, Mr. Bookwogen came in and offered to
give me a ride. I rode to Aitkin with him in his auto and went to the Ratcliff's home to wait for my
family to come for me. Mamma also was in town and my brother Fred was at the station to meet us.
He took us home to the farm.
Thurs. Nov. 29 ~ We had a fine Thanksgiving dinner. The Buckmans were over
and I took some pictures with my new camera. In the evening I went home with the Buckmans.
Fri. Nov. 30 ~ My sister Laura Lueck and I drove to Aitkin and heard some
records played on the new Victrolas in order to judge the quality of the music.
Sat. Dec. 1 ~ I went home again in the forenoon and got hurt by running into the
clothesline when I was going to get the mail.
Sunday Dec. 2 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Schwab were over and I did not go to Aitkin as I
had planned because my face was still swollen from the accident.
Mon. Dec. 3 ~ My brother Arthur Lueck took me most of the way to Aitkin to go
back to my job at the Harrington School. Then I walked the rest of the way. I spoke with Mrs. C.S.
Young. Came back to Swatara in Clark's Livery. Had to wait in Bain a couple of hours and visited
Minnie Marsh's School in Bain.
Sat. Dec. 8, 1917 ~ I went to Swatara today and sent away an order to Sears
Roebuck and mailed some letters.
Sun. Dec. 9 ~ I went to Sunday school and had only one pupil in my class. The
board decided on sending for some more literature for Sunday school.
Thurs. Dec. 13 ~ I had a visitor at school today. Newlon Harrington (Ida's
future husband) came home from the war in France and stopped at the school house and we talked
for several hours.
It was so very cold this evening and I enjoyed the walk home from school. I walk across
McKinney Lake now that it is frozen over and that shortens the distance to school. Charley did not
go to school today.
Sat. 15th of Dec. ~ I walked to town today (four miles) and received the
package from Sears Roebuck, which I had sent for.
Sun Dec. 16 ~ I walked to town again today and attended Sunday school. We
practiced a song to sing at the entertainment next Friday, which will be given by the Swatara
Mon. Dec. 17 ~ Olive Harrington brought some doll clothes to school today to
sew and asked me to help her as she did not want her sister Elsie to see them, because they were a
Xmas present for her little sister, Cora Lucille.
Wed. Dec. 19 ~ Today the children brought in a Xmas tree and put presents on
it for me. The presents were some which they had made, and they seemed to enjoy giving me the
presents, although they were nothing.
Jan 19, 1918 ~ It has been four weeks since I wrote in this book. I spent my
Xmas vacation at home on our farm west of Aitkin and enjoyed it very much. I attended Institute in
Aitkin during vacation and finally came back to Swatara. Today is Saturday and I am going to town
to mail some letters and packages.
(This is the last entry in Ida Lueck's Journal)
Words Of Wisdom
on the last pages of Ida's Journal
"Your speech is the great test by which a stranger sums up your character."
"Do not think that what your thoughts dwell upon is no matter. Your thoughts are making
"Are you constantly thoughtful of the fact that your pupils grow through what you cause
them to do, not what you do?"
"Be a beautiful, smoothly running 1920 Model Automobile ~ Not a cheap old rattletrap!"
(She must have added the last comment later)
This Journal was Transcribed and Edited
by Stacy Vellas
2002 a.d.
Ida Clara Alvina Lueck was born in Nebraska. The family moved to Aitkin when she was a
small child. She attended schools in Aitkin and finished high school there.
In 1917 she took classes at the University Farm in St. Paul to become a teacher. Her first
teaching job was at the Harrington School in LeMay Township west of Swatara.
She met Newlon Harrington at the Harrington School on Thursday, December 13, 1917.
Newlon was an early photographer in the Swatara, Hill City, Shovel Lake Minnesota area.

Wedding Portrait of Ida and
Ida married Newlon in Iron Hub, Minnesota on June 29, 1921 two years after she met
him. They moved to his homestead in Cass County just west of his father George Harrington's
homestead. They lived there until 1931. Newlon sold his homestead to Frank Olds and moved to
the white house on the hill above Moose River closer to Swatara.
In 1933 the family moved to Brainerd and lived out their lives there. They were married
forty-one years.
Newlon Harrington passed away Feb. 24, 1962
Ida Lueck Harrington passed away May 16 1971.
They are both buried in Crow Wing Memorial Gardens in Brainerd, MN.
They had three children: Velma Beulah, Lorraine Estelle and Harold Lloyd Newlon
Newlon Harrington was the brother of Olive Harrington Vellas, mother of Stacy Vellas.
The Best Gift Is Public Speaking
by Ida and Newlon's niece,
whose mother was also a teacher
The best thing you will ever do for your class is to teach every child in your class
"PUBLIC SPEAKING." It will benefit them for life.
Every morning:
- Start on one side of the room.
- Go down one row after another asking each student to:
1st Week:
- Tell the students, "Stand up by your desk and say your name."
- Help them if they need it. Say their name and have them repeat it.
- At first they may cling to the desk for dear life and then dive into the desk as soon as he or she
is finished
2nd Week:
- Encourage them to stand tall, smile, not touch the desk, say their name and sit down
3rd Week:
- You will notice they are beginning to enjoy speaking.
4th Week:
- It's time teach them how to introduce people by introducing one friend to another.
- Teach them how to shake hands by holding his/her right arm close to their body.
- Introduce people who come to the room.
- Introduce the guest and then say to the class: "Please stand and introduce yourself."
5th Week:
- As time goes by you will notice a change.
- You will see their self-confidence grow, and a higher self-esteem and excitement in the
- They are ready to start performances and take pride in saying their name.
This will be a life-long gift to your class.
Copyright 2001 Anastasia Vellas
I met Mary Murphy in 1996 in Aitkin Minnesota. She was my mother's pupil at
Esquagama School in the early 1920's. Mary said my mother taught her how to introduce her
parents to the teacher. My mother never mentioned this but it is ironic that we both felt it was
important. (Stacy Vellas)
Just want to say thank you for putting Ida Lueck's journal on the Internet. Ida and my father Arthur Lueck
were brother and sister. It was so interesting to read it and see mentions of her brothers and sisters. I learned many
things while reading it.
Again, thanks for posting this.
Marilyn (Lueck) Marshall