Are you trying to find information concerning Balsam Township families?
Laura Soleta has offered her assistance.
Though she no longer lives there, she still has many contacts in the township.
Thanks, Laura!
If you have information
about or photos relating to this township,
e-mail me and I will
add them to this page.
Laura Soleta has graciously shared these wonderful old photographs of Balsam Township.
See also The Clarence Green Family and The John Larson Family Albums
linked on the home page under "Albums, Scrapbooks and Keepsakes"
Haying in Balsam Township
Henning Larson, Doris Anderson and Henry Anderson.
Standing: Allen B., Marseline B., Doris Getts, Clarice P., Ada B. (little girl in center), Goldie B., Donna G., ___, ___.
Seated: Bernard G., __ Hamel, Margaret B., __ Hamel, __ Hamel, __ Hamel
I am guessing this picture was taken in 1926.
I don't know where the picture came from.
It was passed on to me as is.

The first Balsam Sunday School, probably taken before 1910.
Mrs. Anna Larson is the women on the far left.
Standing in back is her husband John Larson with mustache.
Also standing in back are Wilford C. Green and his brother Ralph Green.
Howard Green is standing next the the building on the far right in front.
Most of the children are Larsons and Greens,
but the rest of the names are unknown.
Electricity was installed at the Balsam Community Presbyterian Church
(now the Balsam Town Hall) on March 28, 1953.
This is the program for the Official
Turning On of the Lights Celebration.
First Balsam Town Board
This picture was taken sometime between 1906 and 1910
Front Row: Albert Tweedy, Tom Hamel, Jerome Heath and Clarence Green
Back Row: Henry Jench, J. L. Johnson and Fred Hansen
Logging in Balsam early 1900s
Wilford C. Green is standing on top of the logs
The others are unidentified
Back Row: Mrs. Fischer, Portia and Sally (Sarah) Cyrus, Nina Larson,
Paul Knutson, Hulda ?, Sylvia Knutson, Fat (Ed) Larson, Harvey Knutson,
Cecil Booker, Mr. Fischer, Herb Larson and Henry Anderson
Front Row: Buz, Carol and Bernice Cyrus, Audrey Green, Marilyn Larson,
Sarah Jane and Suzan Booker, Betty Larson, Doris and Minnie Anderson,
Olga and Ralph Green, Tig (Theodore) Knutson
Balsam women, taken at a picnic by Big Sandy Lake in 1941
Balsam men, taken at a picnic by Big Sandy Lake in 1941